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It is easier for us to understand ourselves on a deeper level when we connect to nature and the environment around us. As we experience four seasons, there is a natural rhythm to the universe. The gravity between the moon and the Earth causes ocean tide. The moon influences such mechanisms of our life on Earth, it is believed that it can also affect us physically and emotionally.
Some people call menstrual cycles “moon cycles,” and many women have experienced synchronicity between the phases of the moon and female menses in their lives. The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and it is about as long as a moon cycle. Interestingly enough, some studies say the full moon can also affect a person’s quality of sleep.
The Moon doesn’t change its size but the shape we see changes as it moves through its phases. The moon reflects the Sun’s light on its surface and it takes about 29.5 days to make a full cycle from one new moon to the next new moon. So as human beings, we experience many different phases in everyday life. We can say our mind and body are believed to have a connection with Moon Cycles, can't we?
Pause and Set Intentions
The new moons are considered as a growth phase and is an ideal time to take a moment to listen to your heart. Time to seek what it really needs for the coming new moon cycle. Try our Yoga Nidra New Moon SOUND BATH with an open mind to welcome the new beginnings. Let the universe deliver any messages you're calling for.
Overcome resistance and take action
The first quarter Moon is your opportunity to release any feelings of resistance that may present. Try to see if you find any fears or blockages you might be holding. Join us on Friday commUNITY SOUND BATH to lie down on the earth and breathe out as you release anything no longer serving you. Under this energy you can also make any decisions that need to be addressed and act toward them. You can imagine your goal is starting to expand.
Cerebrate and Gratitude
A full Moon occurs when the moon appears as a complete circle in the sky.The full moon is all about celebration and amplification. It's important to use the light of the moon to reflect on yourself. Looking back your intention on the new moon and acknowledge how far you've come. Honor yourself and giving gratitude are the key actions during the full moon. Join us on the Full Moon SOUND BATH and let's cerebrate together!
Set boundaries and discernment
As the moon cycle is coming to an end, this phase is the perfect time to release and break any negative habits that have been formed over the last cycle. A time for reflection and slowing down. Not only looking at how you’re doing but also a time to look ahead and manifest for the next moon cycle.
Visualize Goals
Between the New Moon and the First Quarter Moon
Refine plans
Between the 1st Quarter and the Full Moon
Re-evaluate goals
Between the Full Moon and the 3rd Quarter Moon
Reflec and Rest
The last phase before a new cycle starts with the New Moon